Our World Too is a global storytelling platform dedicated to rehumanising the narrative surrounding refugees and displaced communities globally.

Across the world people seeking sanctuary have been portrayed as ‘others’ who are not ‘compatible’ with native values. Behind the labels and statistics used to describe them is a person, a human being whose life and experiences cannot be contained by a dehumanising narrative, a one-size-fits-all story of displacement or through numbers.

We are determined to highlight the experiences of displaced communities from different contexts around the world and shed light on the news that doesn’t make it to our TV screens, to share voices that aren’t part of the mainstream and to amplify experts from the Global South.

As a platform, we stand against the dehumanising and divisive rhetoric which attempts to divide us by creating false security concerns and ‘othering’ entire groups of people.

We believe change lies with the people, with everyday citizens and those who aren’t in positions of power. By choosing storytelling, we aim to build connections and foster an understanding of why people leave home.

We are decolonising and taking back the narrative to put it back where it belongs.

With the people themselves. 

Our Aims

To provide a platform to amplify the voices of refugees, displaced communities, and genocide survivors. 

To share the stories behind the labels, statistics, and headlines.

To highlight stories, viewpoints, and work that existing power structures ignore. 

To decolonise the labels and stereotypes around refugees, displaced communities, and experts from the Global South.  

To stand with communities against injustice, oppression, and dehumanising rhetoric. 

To advocate for asylum systems based on humanity and empathy.  

To build connections and encourage dialogue between communities globally.  

To encourage critical thinking, and empathy and challenge stereotypes and dehumanising language about refugees and displaced communities.   

To fact-check mainstream media, politicians, and the humanitarian sector. 

Meet Our Team

Hira Aftab

It’s often easy to ignore the voices of those who aren’t represented or are misrepresented by mainstream media. I have actively tried to advocate for the rights of refugees and displaced people over the last few years. Writing opinion pieces for organisations I have worked for soon evolved into the idea of developing a platform for refugees to share their voices, unfiltered and in safe space, to facilitate an understanding that refugees leave home for a number of reasons and they are more than a statistic. No one is born thinking they would have to flee their homeland to seek safety, but when they do instead of being afforded the international protection they are entitled to they are alienated by the media and politics. Refugees do not need us to save them, but they need to be treated with respect, honour and dignity throughout their journeys. I hope in even the smallest of ways Our World Too will be able to negate negative stereotypes surrounding refugees and displaced people, facilitate discussions and help create a more welcoming environment for refugees globally.

Zakhar Habib
Web Developer & Technical Manager

I have been fortunate enough to develop websites for organisations such as the European Union and Inspiring Women Pakistan. This has enabled me to gain an understanding of a wide range of global development and humanitarian challenges, which inspired me to contribute my technical skills to help improve the welfare of displaced communities around the world. By providing my web development and technical expertise to Our World Too, I hope to help amplify the voices of people with lived experience of displacement and contribute to changing the narrative around refugees and displaced communities globally.

Amirah Tanoli
Marketing Officer

Nonacceptance, displacement, and racism. I have witnessed these things to be all too common throughout the world. Growing up in the Middle East and frequently visiting my hometown in Pakistan, and then moving to Canada to pursue my degree in Commerce, has enabled me to interact with diverse groups of people and understand multiple points of view. I also quickly learned that being silent when wrongs are committed in front of us makes us just as guilty of the crime. I have been exposed to the eye-opening reality of the rejection of people. I have seen humans undermine other humans’ lives because they are propagated to refuse empathy for someone “different.” The fact that it is normalised to criminalise refugees and people seeking asylum is why I have joined Our World Too. It is time we used our privilege, hard work, and opportunities to make sure those seeking refuge are given a voice without interference.

Zaina Habib
Graphic Designer

I’m Zaina Habib, a passionate graphic designer with a knack for turning ideas in creative and engaging narratives. With a background in Mass communications, I’ve honed my skills in crafting compelling content that resonates with audiences across various platforms. I’m a firm believer in the power of storytelling. I’ve always been fascinated by the way a well-told story can captivate, educate and inspire. My professional journey has taken me on a remarkable path where I’ve had the privilege of working closely with several NGOs which are the driving force behind some of the most impactful and positive changes in our society. Now I’m super excited to work with Our World Too! Together we can tell the world about the lives and struggles of refugees and displaced communities.

Join the movement
Internship/Volunteer positions

If you would like to be part of a team dedicated to changing the media and political narratives about refugees, please send us a message through our ‘Contact Us’ page!

Zaina Habib
Graphic Designer

I’m Zaina Habib, a passionate graphic designer with a knack for turning ideas in creative and engaging narratives. With a background in Mass communications, I’ve honed my skills in crafting compelling content that resonates with audiences across various platforms. I’m a firm believer in the power of storytelling. I’ve always been fascinated by the way a well-told story can captivate, educate and inspire. My professional journey has taken me on a remarkable path where I’ve had the privilege of working closely with several NGOs which are the driving force behind some of the most impactful and positive changes in our society. Now I’m super excited to work with Our World Too! Together we can tell the world about the lives and struggles of refugees and displaced communities.

Cara MacSherry
Social Media Content Creator

I came of political age in the lead-up to the Brexit referendum, casting my vote on Brexit on the day I sat my final A-level exam. I had been appalled and shocked by the blatant weaponisation of refugees, and really any immigrant that wasn’t white. Hot off the heels of Brexit came the election of Trump during my first semester at University. The blatant racism and islamophobia of his election were really disturbing. This time really shaped my views and what I wanted to do professionally and academically, that is, counter these diversionary narratives that are steeped in colonial, white supremacist and misogynistic ideas. I graduated from Queen’s University Belfast with a degree in International Politics and Conflict Studies in 2019. I am currently completing a Masters in Human Rights Law. My main areas of research have focused on the climate change and marginalised groups. I am also a mother to a young boy, and when I’m not mothering, I’m usually reading!

Join the movement
Internship/Volunteer positions

If you would like to be part of a team dedicated to changing the media and political narratives about refugees, please send us a message through our ‘Contact Us’ page!


Our World Too was formed by two humanitarians with a shared vision of creating a platform for refugees and displaced individuals to share their narratives in a space not influenced by political agendas and to be understood and accepted on a human level.


Hira Aftab
Hira AftabFounder
It’s often easy to ignore the voices of those who aren’t represented or are misrepresented by mainstream media. I have actively tried to advocate for the rights of refugees and displaced people over the last few years. Writing opinion pieces for organisations I have worked for soon evolved into the idea of developing a platform for refugees to share their voices, unfiltered and in safe space, to facilitate an understanding that refugees leave home for a number of reasons and they are more than a statistic. No one is born thinking they would have to flee their homeland to seek safety, but when they do instead of being afforded the international protection they are entitled to they are alienated by the media and politics. Refugees do not need us to save them, but they need to be treated with respect, honour and dignity throughout their journeys. I hope in even the smallest of ways Our World Too will be able to negate negative stereotypes surrounding refugees and displaced people, facilitate discussions and help create a more welcoming environment for refugees globally.
Zakhar Habib
Zakhar Habib Web Developer & Technical Manager
I have been fortunate enough to develop websites for organisations such as the European Union and Inspiring Women Pakistan. This has enabled me to gain an understanding of a wide range of global development and humanitarian challenges, which inspired me to contribute my technical skills to help improve the welfare of displaced communities around the world. By providing my web development and technical expertise to Our World Too, I hope to help amplify the voices of people with lived experience of displacement and contribute to changing the narrative around refugees and displaced communities globally.
Aidan Johnson
Aidan JohnsonResearch Officer
I am an advocate and researcher with experience working on political campaigns and studying human rights law with a focus on refugee issues. I have seen firsthand in my work how political narratives lead to policies of marginalization and exclusion and I am particularly passionate about amplifying refugee voices and working to make sure all refugees receive the protections to which they are entitled. Working in political environments has demonstrated to me the power that communities have to advocate for change, but also the power of systems to oppress. My fundamental aspiration is to be on the side of inclusion and to fight against oppressive systems in whatever way I can. I’m hoping to provide a modest contribution to the goal of empowering and enabling refugee voices to reshape our thinking about migration. In my free time, I enjoy reading, travelling, and playing music.
Amirah Tanoli
Amirah Tanoli Marketing Officer
Nonacceptance, displacement, and racism. I have witnessed these things to be all too common throughout the world. Growing up in the Middle East and frequently visiting my hometown in Pakistan, and then moving to Canada to pursue my degree in Commerce, has enabled me to interact with diverse groups of people and understand multiple points of view. I also quickly learned that being silent when wrongs are committed in front of us makes us just as guilty of the crime. I have been exposed to the eye-opening reality of the rejection of people. I have seen humans undermine other humans’ lives because they are propagated to refuse empathy for someone “different.” The fact that it is normalised to criminalise refugees and people seeking asylum is why I have joined Our World Too. It is time we used our privilege, hard work, and opportunities to make sure those seeking refuge are given a voice without interference.
Ciara Patterson
Ciara PattersonResearch Officer
I have been working with refugees and asylum seekers in various capacities for the last eight years. My first ever work experience placement at sixteen was with the British Red Cross in their refugee department. This opportunity enlightened me to the discrimination and hardships that displaced people face and ignited a drive in me to support and show solidarity with the refugees and asylum-seekers specifically settling in my home city of Belfast. Since that first placement, I have completed a master’s degree in International Development at the University of Bath focusing on the internal displacement that has occurred and continues to occur in the occupied Palestinian territories. Additionally, I have had the privilege of working with an amazing NGO based in the Middle East completing research on the rights and protection of refugees and displaced people as well as engaging in advocacy work condemning some of the atrocities inflicted on displaced persons in Europe. I am so excited to be a part of Our World Too and I hope to contribute in any way I can in ensuring displaced people are humanised and seen as more than a statistic.
Zaina Habib
Zaina HabibGraphic Designer
I’m Zaina Habib, a passionate graphic designer with a knack for turning ideas in creative and engaging narratives. With a background in Mass communications, I’ve honed my skills in crafting compelling content that resonates with audiences across various platforms. I’m a firm believer in the power of storytelling. I’ve always been fascinated by the way a well-told story can captivate, educate and inspire. My professional journey has taken me on a remarkable path where I’ve had the privilege of working closely with several NGOs which are the driving force behind some of the most impactful and positive changes in our society. Now I’m super excited to work with Our World Too! Together we can tell the world about the lives and struggles of refugees and displaced communities.
Cara MacSherry
Cara MacSherry Social Media Content Creator
I came of political age in the lead-up to the Brexit referendum, casting my vote on Brexit on the day I sat my final A-level exam. I had been appalled and shocked by the blatant weaponisation of refugees, and really any immigrant that wasn’t white. Hot off the heels of Brexit came the election of Trump during my first semester at University. The blatant racism and islamophobia of his election were really disturbing. This time really shaped my views and what I wanted to do professionally and academically, that is, counter these diversionary narratives that are steeped in colonial, white supremacist and misogynistic ideas. I graduated from Queen’s University Belfast with a degree in International Politics and Conflict Studies in 2019. I am currently completing a Masters in Human Rights Law. My main areas of research have focused on the climate change and marginalised groups. I am also a mother to a young boy, and when I’m not mothering, I’m usually reading!
Join the movement
Join the movement Internship/Volunteer positions
If you would like to be part of a team dedicated to changing the media and political narratives about refugees, please send us a message through our ‘Contact Us’ page!